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Ah Chai ( A n n )
20's o l d
K e m G a l i n g
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V i r g o
K P T M Ku an tan
Im addicted to anything, u name it, i'll addict to it .

Monday, March 29, 2010

Move and Talk with your body .

Moving your hand too much while talking is not a syntax error, it is just a simple yet disturbing habit that we humans do. Some may found it interesting, and some will think it is rather annoying. You should know that average people would flap/swing/scratch/point at something that they don't even know 19 times (remember, its average people*) while they are in a conversation, raw facts that i found when watching my friends talking. It is important that using this moves, body movements, gestures and postures will boost our way of transmitting message to others . The more that we moves, the better the message will be comprehensible by others. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you can (and cannot) use your body to say what you meant.

Some of the meanings of body language.

  • Aggressive body language - he/she dislikes you (get ready for physical threat. xD)
  • Attentive body language - i am interested in whatever you are doing. Keep doing it .
  • Greeting body language - self explanatory.
  • Romantic Body Language - ugh, do this if you really want to get in love. (Tempting :D)